1. R. Shaheen, P.B. Niles, K. Chong, C. Corrigan, M. H. Thiemens (2015) Carbonate formation events in ALH84001 trace the evolution of Martian atmosphere. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1315615112

2. R. Shaheen, M. Abuanza, T. Jackson, J. McCabe, J. Savarino, M. H. Thiemens, (2014) Large sulfur isotope anomalies in nonvolcanic sulfate aerosol and its implications for the Archean atmosphere. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 111(33)11979-8, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1406315111

*** This paper was selected as the cover article for the 08/19/2014 issue of PNAS ***

3. Thiemens M and R. Shaheen, (2014) Mass Independent Isotopic Composition of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Materials, Treatise on Geochemistry. 5, pp. 151-177, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-08-098300-4.

4. S Hsu, C. Lee, C. Huh, R. Shaheen, F. Lin, S. Liu, M. Liang, J. Tao, (2014) Ammonium deficiency caused by heterogeneous reactions during a super Asian dust episode. JGR-Atm. doi:10.1002/2013JD021096

5. R. Shaheen, M. Abuanza, T. Jackson, J. McCabe, J. Savarino, M. H, Thiemens, (2013) Tales of volcanoes and El-nino southern oscillations with the oxygen isotope anomaly of sulfate aerosol. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110(44):17662-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1213149110.

*** This paper was selected as the cover article for the 10/29/2013 issue of PNAS ***

6. Agee, C, N. Wilson, F. McCubin, K. Zeigler, V. Polyak, Z. Sharp, Y. Asmerom, M. Nunn, R. Shaheen, M. Thiemens, A. Steele, M. Fogel, R. Bowden, M. Glamocilija, Z. Zhang, S. Elardo, (2013) Unique meteorite from early Amazonian Mars: water-rich basaltic breccia Northwest Africa 7034. Science 339, 780-5, doi: 10.1126/science.1228858.

7. A. Schauer, S. Kunasek, E. Sofen, J. Erbland, J. Savarino, B. Johnson, H. Amos, R. Shaheen, M. Abaunza, T. Jackson, M. Thiemens, B. Alexander (2012) Oxygen isotope exchange with quartz during pyrolysis of silver sulfate and silver nitrate. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 26(18): 2151-7, doi: 10.1002/rcm.6332.

8. R. Shaheen, A. Abramian, J. Horn, G. Dominguez, M. Thiemens (2010) Detection of oxygen Isotopic anomaly in atmospheric carbonates and its implications to Mars. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 107(47), 20213-18, doi:  10.1073/pnas.1014399107.

This paper was selected as the paper of the year in physical and mathematical sciences and was awarded the Cozzarelli Prize by the National Academy of Sciences.

Listen to an interview with Dr. Robina Shaheen and Prof. Mark Thiemens.

9. R. Shaheen, C. Janssen, T. Röckmann (2007) Investigation of the photochemical isotope equilibrium between O2, CO2 and O3. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 7, 495-509, doi:10.5194/acp-7-495-2007.

10. R. Shaheen, J. P. Senn, (2005) Quantification of polysaccharides in water using capillary electrophoresis. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 85 (3) 177-198, doi: 10.1080/03067310500050775.

11. R. Shaheen, R. C. Hood-Nowotny (2005) Effect of drought and salinity on the carbon isotope discrimination in wheat cultivars. Plant Science 168, 901-909, doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2004.11.003.

12. R. Shaheen, R. C. Hood-Nowotny (2005) Carbon isotope discrimination: potential for screening salinity tolerance in rice at seedling stage using hydroponics. Plant Breeding 124(3), 220-224, doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0523.2005.01083.x

12. R. Shaheen, R. C. Hood-Nowotny (2005) Carbon isotope discrimination: potential for screening salinity tolerance in rice at seedling stage using hydroponics. Plant Breeding 124(3), 220-224, doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0523.2005.01083.x

National/ International Conference Presentations:

1. R. Shaheen, M. Abaunza, J, Savarino, J. McCabe, T. L Jackson, M. H. Thiemens, (2014) A quarter century record of stratospheric sulfate aerosols; Impications for the past, present and future climate. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec.15-19.

2. S. Chen, R. Shaheen, T. Jackson, S. Chakraborty, M. H. Thiemens, (2014) Tracing the impact of aviation on atmospheric nitrate using oxygen triple isotopes. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 15-19.

3. R. Shaheen, A. Hill, T. Jackson, M. H. Thiemens, (2014) Oxygen triple isotope fingerprinting of the heterogeneous and photochemical transformation on the surface of Mars and its implications for the future Mars missions. The eighth International Conference on Mars. July 14-18, Pasadena, CA, USA.

4. R. Shaheen, M. Abaunza, J, Savarino, J. McCabe, T. L Jackson, M. H. Thiemens, (2013) Delineating the effect of El-Nino Southern Oscillations on the oxidation history of sulfate aerosol AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 7-13.

5. M. H. Thiemens, R. Shaheen, K. Chong, J. Weng, A. Hill, Z. Zhan, G. Dominguez, (2012) Tracking Transport and Transformation of Aerosols using C and O-triple Isotopic Composition of Carbonates: CSI La Jolla, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 3-7.

6. R. Shaheen, M. Abaunza, J, Savarino, J. McCabe, T. L Jackson, M. H. Thiemens, (2012) Fingerprinting Volcanic and Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide in the Air: A 25 Year Record of Sulfate Aerosols from the South Pole Snowpit, Antarctica. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 3-7.

7. R. Shaheen, P. B. Niles, M. H. Thiemens, (2012) The carbonate in ALH84001 record the evolution of the Martian atmosphere through multiple formation events. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science meeting, Woodlands, Texas USA, March 19-23.

8. M. Thiemens, R. Shaheen, A. Priyadarshi, (2012) Stable and radioactive isotopes in atmospheric aerosols to track chemistry and transport: Paleo climates, Mars and near core melt downs. 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, Mar. 25-29.

9. R. Shaheen, K. Chong, J. Weng, M. H. Thiemens, (2012) Chemical Transformation on Aerosol surfaces: Hydrogen peroxide-A New player in determining the chemical composition of the atmosphere. 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, Mar. 25-29.

10. R. Shaheen, M. H. Thiemens, Oral presentation (2011) Oxygen Isotopic Anomaly in Atmospheric Carbonates: Earth and Mars Linkage. Lunar and Planetary Science meeting held at Woodlands, Texas USA, 7-11 Jan.

11. R. Shaheen, K. Chong, M. Manu, H. Bao, M. H. Thiemens, Poster presentation (2010) Heterogeneous Chemical Transformations on Mineral aerosols during Long Range Transport and its Implication in Understanding Aeolian Dust deposits in Antarctic Dry Valleys. American Geophysical Union held at San Francisco, USA from 13-17 Dec.

12. M. H. Thiemens, R. Shaheen, Invited lecture (2010) Oxygen Isotopic Anomaly in Terrestrial Atmospheric Carbonates and its Implications for Understanding the Role of Water on Mars. American Geophysical Union held at San Francisco, USA from 13-17 Dec.

13. J.Horn, R. Shaheen, M. H. Thiemens, Poster presentation (2010) Interaction of Sulfur dioxide with Aerosols to Understand the Impact of Anthropogenic Pollutants on Air quality. Undergraduate Research Symposium held at Univ. of California San Diego, USA.

14. R. Shaheen, J. Horn, M. H. Thiemens, Oral presentation (2009) A Novel Technique to Identify Physico-Chemical Transformations on Aerosol Surface in Polluted Environment. American Geophysical Union held at San Francisco, USA from 13-17 Dec.

15. J.Horn, R. Shaheen, M. H. Thiemens, Poster presentation (2009) A Novel Technique to Understand the Interaction of Anthropogenic Pollutants with Biosphere. Undergraduate Research Symposium held at Univ. of California San Diego, USA, under the auspices of American Chemical Society.

16. R. Shaheen, J. Horn, G. Dominguez, A. Ivanov, M. H. Thiemens, Oral presentation (2008) Oxygen Isotope Anomaly in the Carbonate Fraction of Aerosol and its application to Identify Long Range Transport of Pollutants. American Geophysical Union held at San Francisco, USA from 13-19 Dec.

17. R. Shaheen, M. H. Thiemens, Oral presentation (2008) Chasing the Pollutants: A new tool to Study the Long Range Transport and Transformation of Aerosols. Fourth Int. Symposium on Isotopomers, held at Tokyo, Japan from 08-13Oct. 2008.

18. R. Shaheen, A. Abramian, G. Dominguez, M. H. Thiemens, Poster presentation (2007) A new Isotope Tracer to Identify Long Range Transport and Transformation of Aerosol San Fransico, USA, 10-14 Dec.

19. R. Shaheen, T. Roeckmann, Oral Presentation (2006) Factors controlling the CO2 and O(1D) isotopic exchange. Third International Symposium on Isotopomers, held at La Jolla, CA. from 27-Aug-06 to 31-Aug-06.

20. R. Shaheen, C. Janssen, B. Tuzon, T. Roeckmann, Oral Presentation (2005) New insight into the CO2 and O(1D) isotopic exchange mechanism. International Symposium Isotopes 2005, held at Bath UK, from 27-June-05 to 03-July-05.

21. R. Shaheen, T. Roeckmann, Poster presentation (2004) Laboratory and model study on the CO2-O(1D) isotopic exchange mechanism. At: Joint European Stable Isotope User Group meeting, held at Vienna from 30-Aug-04 to 03-Sep-04.

22. R. Shaheen, T. Roeckmann, Oral presentation (2003) New results on the CO2-O(1D) exchange mechanism. Second International Symposium on Isotopomers, held at Stresa, Italy from 4-Nov-03 to 6-Nov-03.